Tin & Taco Orlando | The Answer Is Always Tacos

Published By LeeAnn Huntoon on 04 Sep 2019

Oh, Tin & Taco, how do I love thee. Let me count the ways....or in this case, the TACOS. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life without fear of not fitting in my skinny jeans ever again, it would be Tin & Taco.

Just two short years ago Rob Bair opened the Downtown Orlando restaurant blessing the city with the tastiest high-quality tacos in Orlando! Since then the word has been spreading like wildfire and with a daily lunch line out the door, another Tin & Taco location opened in the SoDo District less than a year ago and has since expanded the venue with more plans to open another T&T in college park very soon.

The glorious tacos with cheese grilled into each tortilla are around $4 each but these heavy-handed mobile meals are stuffed to the brim with fresh chicken, brisket, pork, and sometimes poke! Keep your eyes peeled and make sure to follow them on social media.  Their posts are punny and satisfying. 

Stay connected to all the Mexican fare and unforgettable tacos in Orlando by subscribing to 407area. 


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